ancient words comfort me... there's something about uttering the same words with my tongue that a long line of believers have also let escape from their own mouths that stirs up in me a confidence in my Helper. yahweh... yeshua... jesus help me... lord, be near...
i'm struggling in my job right now, clinging to my belief that i am, right now, where HE intends me to be. i'm asking, praying, to be shown the kingdom in this cloud that can easily blur my vision when i'm not crying out against it.
i know that people who work in coffee shops, people who work in offices, people who fix things, people who engineer things, people who do work where they often wonder if they are fulfilling a grand purpose... these people are doing work that has the potential to rock people's lives to the core the way that philanthropists, relief workers, brilliant writers, great thinkers, and pastors of big, moving churches do. i know that the potential is there, for the grand purpose to be fulfilled in daily conversations, purposeful relationships and interactions, though the appearance alone seems much less revolutionary. i believe these everyday revolutionary positions are just as vital as the their more glorified counterparts; they are vital. but it takes asking for the kingdom, reaching out and fighting for the visions of God in order to adequately give shape to and fill out the niches that we're placed in... that i know i'm placed in.
i crave feeling like i'm fighting the good fight and breaking ground on unseen levels... it's just hard to see headway being made when i don't know what the difference i'm supposed to be making really looks like. i'm trying to be jesus with skin on... and yet i forget that people hated HIM. people aren't going to love me for doing what i'm doing... necessarily. but that feels weird on many different levels... it feels weird on the everyday sort of level in your everyday career position where you just want someone to eventually come beside you and join in pursuing Life instead of living like they want to squelch it out. i need what's Real...
each day i've been reading passages and reminders filled with ancient words and truths and i cling to them because they breathe Life into my everyday position and remind me that it is, verily verily, a revolutionary one. i am promised that, by crying out, jesus help me, HE comes to my rescue, lifts me, sustains me, holds me by my right hand and lays out HIS intentions for me... even when the cloud is thick, the kingdom IS.
jesus, be near. yahweh, come find me.
Your words are a like a cloud that is full of wisdom. Thanks for sharing what's on your heart. I know people will see Jesus in your life. Courage dear heart.
and I really like your title.
anna you rule.
yeaaaah. I think so.
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