Friday, April 11, 2008

sometimes the hardest thing and the right thing are the same

i am home now. that is right, not at work. since you and i will (or should) both agree that it is never, no never, a good decision to write in detail about one's place of employment in one's blog, suffice it to say that i painstakingly came to the conclusion that the best thing would be for me to leave. and so i did.

so da gromz and i are hanging out and he is providing his almost always delightful companionship while God and i are having lots of conversations about how to regain peace and just help my heart to feel better. this transition is not fun, not pretty, or nice-looking... but it was much needed. i'm learning some big and important things. so that is what is going on with me.

"i refuse to speak to you whilst you behave this way."

on a side note, here is a photo of me and grom. he is miffed because i ignored him as i was typing away on my computer; but then he layed down against me here on the couch and he BURPED. neither one of us is speaking to the other at the moment.


Annie said...

that is an amazing picture and the fact that he burped made me laugh out loud at my desk.

i pray that God gives you peace during this time. looks like He might be using your cute little pup to help you begin that journey. my dog usually helps me, that's for sure. :)

anna said...

thanks for praying, annie. :) yes, cute pups are oh so helpful. we would be lost without them, i think.

Timothy said...

gromz has snaggletooth in that frodotorium.

Jo Feve said...

Banana...NO ONE makes me laugh out loud like you do! Love the picture of you "bolth", and yes, that just says it all!

You continue to be in my prayers through this journey Darlin'. Loving you with my whole heart. Jo

Esther K said...

The Fray! Love that song! Glad you are coming to terms w/leaving work. Good luck w/finding a better employment fit! :)

Esther K said...

The Fray! Love that song! Glad you are coming to terms w/leaving work. Good luck w/finding a better employment fit! :)