You have protected him, guided him, laid out a path before him and faithfully made a way for him. You've showed him visions, and spoken loudly. You've quietly cheered him on in times where there were no visions or evident communication and he looked for You. You have brought him to the suffering, the poor, the weak, the abused, and the unjustly wronged and shown him just the moment where his shutter could capture their essence, which was Your essence. You've calmed his anxiety and worry, and surprised him with good. You use him as a brush in Your collection of art supplies, painting a picture of the world over; he snaps photographs and You fill his bristles with paint and spread Him across Your canvas. everyday he adds color to Your work, even through his black and white medium.
tim, mt. sinai, sunrise
what a gift 10 days will be after a year without seeing his face. thank You for bringing him back for a visit, to let us hug him fiercely, pray in person, laugh loudly, and breathe the same air in common company.
in 2 days, those feet will be in seattle.
1 comment:
I am in tears as I read your prayer to God for Tim. You crafted these words in prayer to our Father, but in so doing you have touched the very soul in this mothers heart, as only God could have led you to do. It is this Mother's dream that my children would not only Love our Lord and Savior, but that they would be filled with such great passion and longing to draw near to him and to each other. My darling Anna, you fulfill in me the longing that I prayed before you were born. Oh sweet Jesus, these tears are for all you have brought into my life through these wee children who have now become lovers of Christ.
Forever yours Mama, Jah?
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