Wednesday, October 8, 2008

my husband, the engineer

watching a tivo'd jon & kate plus 8 last night, during their cover photoshoot for good housekeeping magazine, while one of the shoot directors was steaming a sweater for wardrobe...

m: do you know why steaming shirts works?

a: no, why?

m: because of the transitional temperature of the polymer.

a: oh!


Sarah Taylor said...

you should get your husband the same shirt I got my husband: "A city built on rock and roll would be structurally unsound.” They sound like they'd be friends.

anna said...

aaaaahahahaha! yes. :)

Timothy Dyk. said...

i can now breathe again. i was suffocating from lack of the da'annablog.

Me gusta nerdspeak.

Levi and Stephanie Teasley said...

Oh Matty...I love the way your brain works...every the engineer is right!

Love you both!

Levi and Stephanie Teasley said...

oops...ever, not every! ha ha

Anonymous said...

:) that made me laugh!

glad to see you are posting again!