Wednesday, December 17, 2008

arch nemeses.

allow me the pleasure of introducing you to Dyson. his arrival to our household was long-awaited. i poured over ads, websites, and forums in my journey of choosing just the right vacuum. blame it on my OCD tendencies, but let's be honest; you can never have enough suction! i want dirt and debris SUCKED UP, not PUSHED AROUND.

we likened my excitement over the purchase of Dyson to the purchase of Preston- matt's new transition bike frame. i was giddy on the afternoon we drove to bed, bath, and beyond armed with coupons and gift cards, saved up in anticipation. i was overcome with glee when Dyson made his grand entry through our garage door, free of the trappings of cardboard and plastic wrap. i marveled at its magnificent yellow coloring and it's extra long cord.

we plugged it in, and i had barely begun joyfully pushing and pulling, pointing out how much dirt was instantly twirling around in the cyclone canister, when gromit unleashed what must have been every bit of pent-up anger and frustration from the span of his three-year long life, jumping into the red zone feet first. he would have none of this Dyson sucking up each bit of snacking substance he could have scavenged up from the floor! Oh No You Don't, he shouted!

so there you have it. the Dyson. meet gromit's arch-nemesis and my new best friend.


cuteymle said...

Hahah I love the action shot. I just watched Ceaser work through a dogs fear/hatered of the vaccum. I can only imagine the belly laughs.

Christopher said...

I got a 10-spot on Gromit.


p.s. - grats on your purchase. I love new toys.

Shanna said...

That is hilarious! I have the purple Dyson! I love it!!!!! You are awesome!

Esther K said...

I too, dream of the Dyson, but have yet to take the plunge! Congratulations, and may all your suctioning debris dreams come true!!!