Thursday, February 26, 2009

trusting dependence.

it's a sticky situation, trusting the LORD while being human. HE continually reminds me to trust, to cling tightly, to look at HIM and not my stumbly feet. so every day becomes another day 1 in my study of trust; i can never graduate. i withdraw from my courses in Worry, Fear, Doubt, and Uncertainty (which is a full credit load) and get blue-slipped into Trust (which occupies far more credit hours than just a full load) time and time again. it means a constant re-routing of my gaze; i imagine take my hands up to my own cheeks, and tugging abruptly up and to the right, so that my eyes are in contact with HIS. and then i try to keep it there, steading my gaze with my trembling, sweaty hands pressed up against my flushed cheeks. and i imagine intertwining my fists in HIS grasp after i've steadied my gaze. and i try to accept that it's better for me to pull a C in Trust, than to earn straight A's in Worry, Fear, Doubt, and Uncertainty.

and this is what i read this morning at my desk at work:

I am leading you, step by step, through your life. hold My hand in trusting dependence, letting me guide you through this day. your future looks uncertain and flimsy - even precarious. that is how it should be. secret things belong to the LORD, and future things are secret things. when you try to figure out the future, you are grasping at things that are Mine. this, like all forms of worry, is an act of rebellion: doubting My promises to care for you.

whenever you find yourself worrying about the future, repent and turn to Me. i will show you the next step forward, and the one after that, and the one after that. relax and enjoy the journey in My presence, trusting ME to open up the way before you as you go.


Sarah Taylor said...

I looooove Jesus Calling by Sarah Young. Does it not hit the spot every time? Like God picked up the phone and left a loving voicemail? Love it.

By the way (unrelated) you win a book. Email me ( with your full name and address and you're on your way to juicing bliss!

Timothy said...

wow, you veen book for writes.

i do see you as being fully committed in the coursework of trust. I pray the H.S. (Holy Spirit) will keep instructing you. It's probably a bit more convenient than central, as details and information aren't lost in the Safari Student Database.

anna said...

sarah young is for real. that book is a treasure.

tim, i thoroughly enjoyed your reference to safari. i blame many a cranky mood on that blasted database.