today we had webbed-footed visitors. mr and mrs mallard were out nosing around in the standing water (leftover from this morning's march blizzard) on the first hole of the golf course. i spotted them and promptly went out to stand on the back patio, hoping they would remember me from last fall (THE ONE WHO FEEDS YOU BREAD, MALLARDS!) and grace us with their presence once again.
it only took a moment. i shouted, "ducks!" the boy duck zeroed in on me from clear out on the green, and waddled at a remarkable pace straight my way. girl duck continued to look for worms. i lost boy duck from my line of sight when he disappeared behind a small knoll in the lawn, then i saw his blue-green little head as he crested the top of the rise. i had rushed back inside in the meantime to grab half of a leftover loaf of frenchbread we had with dinner a few nights ago. i made it back just in time as he came to a stop in the middle of our yard.
i tossed a few chunks of bread. he stuck his neck down low and ambled toward the first large piece. then he did like ducks do, and abruptly shook his little head up and down, to and fro, as he downed the delicious snack. he continued to quack at me, low and deep, while i broke off more pieces of bread and tossed them his way. with each bite, he moved closer and closer.
his faithful companion soon joined us, and he sweetly shared the pieces of bread i threw her way. (last season he was more selfish). she was more standoffish, keeping a watchful eye on the jealous crows that were hiding in the bushes.
once their stomachs were filled, they tarried a bit and just quacked at me some more. i stood very still and quiet and marveled at their beautiful colors and his dashing, curled tailfeathers. i went back inside and they moved over to a big puddle in the yard to hunt for worms. what is bread without some meat to go with it, anyway?
i affectionately refer to them as "our ducks." i'm happy they have returned.
i like how you've taken note of the progress of this duck's character, noting how last season he was more selfish. perhaps this could apply to human beings (earthlings). i feel like i'm always noticing things in myself that were different, even a few months ago. sometimes i wonder if i'll ever learn. thank you for allowing the simplicity of this moment to speak more deeply.
You make me smile:)
You have ALWAYS had a heart for the critters!
Sister, I love the way you capture moments...what lucky ducks to have you to care for them!
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