when you order a medium diet coke and someone presents you with a large rootbeer, do accept.
when there is an "extra" 30 minutes of time in the morning and the available options are a) shower or b) bipass shower, obtain clean kitchen, and wear ponytail, for pete's sake choose (b), for the smell of a clean sink and garbage disposal far outweighs having hair roots as fresh as a daisy.
when you happen upon spiders in your living space, do not exaggerate on their size, leggy proportions, or hairyness. God forbid the time you ever cry wolf over a small spider, for a time will arise when you need your husband to exterminate what will be the biggest, the tallest, the furriest excuse for an arachnid that you will EVER have seen your life. it will gallop by you, as you're sitting on the floor in front of the couch, and you will silently dive (with perfect form) from your seated position to cling onto your husband's neck, seated nearby on the loveseat. you will only be able to point in terror, with shaking limbs, in the general vicinity of the television set. your voice will come back just in time for you to yell, IT IS THE BIGGEST I HAVE EVER SEEN! GALLOPED BY ME! UNDER THE TV! BY THE XBOX! IT HAD A SHADOW!
your hubby will peer around the corner into the dark, after first affixing his trusty headlamp to his forehead, and experience a reaction much similar to your own upon catching site of that terrible creature. he will affirm that that thing is, indeed, the biggest he has ever seen. EVER. he will need to get the shopvac, only to discover the beast is TOO LARGE for that. he will slip on the heaviest pair of shoes left by the front door, directing you to scare the spider out while he stamps on it (scare it out?! like a sheep?! are you mad?!), only you will question what he will do when the spider is too huge to stamp on, and what if he fights back? so your husband will direct you to grab the broom. you will take a deep breath before dashing by the spider's lair and into the garage to fetch said broom. your faithful companion will grab the broom, create a large bundle of shipping tape around the end of the handle. he, too, will take a deep breath before acting, and strategically mash the handle into the broad back of the spidey, simulating a spider trap and essentially gluing the spider's body to the sticky mass, and dash across the living room out the open front door (which you thoughtfully realized you should hold open in preparation). he will run down the sidewalk and jam that broom into the grass so far that that spider NEVER finds his way back out of the earth.
upon re-entering your once "clean and pest free" house, he will look you in the eye and say, "you are right. that is, by far, hands down, the biggest spider i have ever seen. you were not exaggerating. and i am not going to be able to sleep tonight."
you will realize the very grave and important consequences of ever having cried wolf over a tiny spider. because there is something called a Wolf spider. which entered the home of YOURS truly, and is the biggest spider to hatch in the WORLD aside from a tarantula. (don't worry, i asked matt during our little escapade if it was a tarantula. he just screamed more bad words. that man is as afraid of spiders as i am, and unashamedly). do not, do not, do not ever exaggerate about the size of spiders. for there will come a day...
This is the cutest blog ever. :)
no, YOURS is. :) and i'm glad you stopped on by. you, my dear, are welcome anytime!
Okay...I am BELLY LAUGHING at the moment. That husband of your has HATED anything that crawls since he was a little shaver. And let me tell you, he cried wolf more than once. It takes a big man to admit his fears, but I am thankful he saved you from the beast!
XO!! :o)
I couldn't be laughing harder right now, which comes at a bit of a challenge considering I have two sleeping girls next to me! I think I'm going to have Levi keep his work boots by the bed and bring his shop-vac into the house...just in case!
I love you both!!!
Headlamp, shopvac, oh my gosh. I can't stop laughing. Then I made the mistake of clicking on that horrible link of yours...and I'm trying to recover from just seeing a picture of that.
And the part where it says, "Some are opportunistic wanderer hunters, pouncing upon prey as they find it or chasing it over short distances..." just made me think of poor grom and how fortunate it is that he wasn't "pounced," upon a spider bigger than him.
OK, so you have a spider. How would you like to wake up every morning with 137 cubic yards of new dirt perfectly placed in mounds all over the yard you just spent four days mowing, weeding, watering, killing bugs, fertilizing, raking, etc.? Yes, you are right, hairy moles. This is real fear. You can't see them as they dig away with those freaky feet and long noses. I poison, trap, smoke, water, and gas them. Only to find more the next day. I fear that one day I will step into the yard to have it cave in and cover me. Great blog Anna!
So Anna, I knew you would be a writer someday. What a piece about the little "Spidy".
I love it and I love you more.
The Gromster is waiting your arrival!
Question: Did you get a diet coke AND large rootbeer?
sorry about the horrible wikipedia link, mal! i had to have tangible evidence of it's AWFULNESS, but i know, that website made me all hot and sweaty and creeped out. i probably shouldn't have done that at work.
mark, you are right. i would NOT like that. "freaky feet and long noses!" hahaha! one time my cat left a mole on the porch. they have rude, hairless little feet. how'd they make the one on winnie the pooh look so cute?!
tim, i was offered the rootbeer INSTEAD OF the diet coke. i just shrugged.
Ok... I remember Matt screaming hysterically in our back yard as a kid because there was a "box-elder-bug" (those little black & red beetles that are all over Eburg) on his shoulder. But... Wolf Spiders are NASTY!!! We have them in Spokane, but they don't get that big. The way you wrote your experience made it seem fun & cute! Well, I made the mistake of clicking the highlighted Wolf Spider wikipedia look-up and say all the pictures of them... now I don't think I am going to be able to sleep tonight! :/
Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment- its good to be back. I am probably going to post an obnoxious amount of posts now since its been so long!
I am catching up on all your old posts I have missed in my online hiatus.
I like your header by the way- I bet a really rad person wrote those words *grin*
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