Thursday, April 16, 2009

a haven; 2x2

two times in the last two days, my eyes came across a verse. it was the same verse, in two completely different places, that i read in unrelated ways, and neither time was i seeking it out. i know HE brought my eyes across it; HE brought it to my eyes to graze over. and it soothed my spirit. both times.

yesterday i read it on a blog i keep up with.
today it was emailed to me by a dear friend.

then they cried out to the LORD in their trouble
and HE brought them out of their distress

HE stilled the storm to a whisper
the waves of the sea were hushed

they were glad when it grew calm
and HE guided them to their desired haven.

psalm 107:28-30


Timothy said...

what translation is that verse?

i like the word, "haven."

Unknown said...

Smudge, You should blog more.

anna said...

tim- i looked it up and it's NIV.

i most often read in the NLT version and its verse 30 is cool as well:
"what a blessing was that stillness as HE brought them safely into harbor!"